Nov 112015

The Cathedral of Cordoba, Spain. This is the Mezquita or the Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba, but it is really just a crazy structure that includes a Roman Catholic Church in the middle of a Mosque.

It is crazy to walk down the halls of what used to be a Mosque and enter a Church.

This is a must see!

(The entire structure is part of the Roman Catholic church and this is the Cathedral of Cordoba, regardless of what people want to say.)


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May 092014

Late but still here 🙂

This photo is of a bombed-out church that I explored while I was in Bosnia. It’s on top of a giant hill/mountain and from there you could also see old fortifications on the top of each neighboring mountain/giant hill.

This is recent history and we should never forget just how easy it is for seemingly calm and civil nations to devolve into war (think of Ukraine today).

Bombed-out Church in Bosnia

Bombed-out Church in Bosnia

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Aug 272013

This is one of the, if not the, coolest looking and most interesting churches that I have ever in my life seen.  The main reason for this is that no other church in the world looks like this one.  It is a unique gem that stands out from the traditional styles used to build and design churches.  I took a lot of photos of this church, but here are some of my favorites. Enjoy 🙂 Continue reading »